A Chapter from DDS by Dr Salome Yesudas and PV Satheesh on Traditional Food Systems of Dalits in Zahirabad region, published in 'Indigenous Food Systems' publication by Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Rome in 2009.
Deccan Development Society puts out a variety of publications, most of which are banks of indigenous knowledge of Dalit women. From millet-based recipes to policy advocacy whitepapers, we have a range of publications, mostly in Telugu and some in English.
Explore our publications.
Uncultivated Greens Recipe Book
Booklet with 25 recipes on cooking uncultivated greens, a hallmark of peasant farming systems.
దర్వాజలో దవాఖాన | Darvaza lo Davakhana
Publication with information on medicinal herbs and plants in Telugu.
Harvest Haven: A Seed Catalogue for Sangham Seed Banks
‘Harvest Haven: Seeds of Diversity’ is a seed catalog documentation effort undertaken to capture the rich local knowledge on seeds and crop diversity of DDS sangham women. From the weather needed to sow, to the kinds of foods that can be cooked,...
Prajateerpu: A Citizens Jury /Scenario Workshop on Food and Farming Futures for Andhra Pradesh, India
Prajateerpu (translation: ‘people’s verdict’) has been devised as a means of allowing those people most affected by the ‘Vision 2020’ for food and farming in Andhra Pradesh (AP, India) to shape a vision of their own. The Government of AP has...
Crops of Truth: Farmers’ Perception of Agrobiodiversity in Deccan region of South India
A Study for the Using Agricultural Diversity Award of International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Canada by Deccan Development Society, Pastapur.
Millets: Future of Food and Farming
Short and comprehensive informational publication on millets. Published in 2007.
On the Margin: Poor & their Lands
The document is a Livelihoods Analysis of the Dalit Watershed Development Program of DDS. Published in August 2004.
A Study on Alternative Public Distribution System
A Study on Alternative Public Distribution System published in 2004.
Sounds of the Soil
The collection of songs and stories presented here are a homage to the women farmers of the Deccan Plateau and other dryland regions of the country. The songs gathered from the—landless and land-owning women farmers in the Zaheerabad region of...