Our Team

Late Prof G.S.AuroraFounder
Dr Vithal RajanFounder
Late P.V.SatheeshFounder
Raghu CidambiFounder

Dr. B.P.SanjayChairpersonSince March, 2023Distinguished Professor of Communication at the Manipal Institute Communication, MAHE. He has more than four decades of teaching, research, and administrative leadership experience in various state, central and institutions of national eminence. His research interests are in the areas of political economy of communication, C4D, technology transfer and Journalism and Mass communication. He is an active member of several international organizations in the J&MC discipline.
Dr Vinod PavaralaMemberSince March,2023Professor & Dean of Communication in University of Hyderabad & Chairperson, UNESCO Chair on Community Media at the University of Hyderabad, one of the five National Universities in India. Internationally known expert on participation, development and communication. He has also taught courses in communication for a number of universities in India and abroad. Holds a Doctorate in communication from the prestigious Syracuse University, USA. He has been associated with number of forums on Community Radio.
Dr R. AkhileshwariMemberSince March, 2023Communication Scholar. Previous worked as Head of Communication in Loyola Academy in Secunderabad. Earlier she served as Sr. Correspondent, Deccan Herald, Andhra Pradesh. Was previously Deccan Herald's US correspondent in Washington. She has also worked at the National Institute of Rural Development and at Osmania University of Hyderabad. Has been consistently involved in Development Communication.
Dr E. RevathiMemberSince March, 2023Director and Professor (Dean, Graduate Studies) in the Center for Economic and Social Studies (CESS). It is an Indian autonomous research institute, established in 1980 to facilitate research activity in Economics and Social Sciences. This institute takes up research in the fields of Rural Development and Poverty, Agriculture and Food Security, Irrigation and Water Management, Public Finance, Demography, Health and Environment. It also undertakes research projects sponsored by the State and Central governments, as well as international agencies.
Dr G.V.RamanjaneyuluMemberSince April, 2023Executive Director in Centre for Sustainable Agriculture which works in different States of India. His specialization in agro ecology, organic/natural farming, agribusiness management and public policy, designing community managed extension, enterprises. He did his Ph.D in Agriculture from Indian Agricultural Research Institute
V. VedakumariMemberSince July, 2023Belongs to the 1979 batch of the Indian Audit and Accounts Service. She is an undergraduate in Maths and an MBA. She has done her Masters in Internal Auditing from the City University, London having been deputed by Govt. of India in 1994. Vedakumari has been a highly committed officer and distinguished herself in the various positions she held. She has wide experience in audit of government expenditure and revenues, having prepared CAG’s reports for various States. Vedakumari has held various positions the last of which was as the Executive Director, Administration, the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority. She has held the charge of Chief Vigilance Officer both at IRDA and NIRD as well as being an enthusiastic member of the vigilance fraternity in Hyderabad.
Dr Shantha SinhaTreasurerSince April, 2023Recipient of the most coveted honour of Padmashri from the Government of India and Magsaysay Award Recipient; Retired Professor of Social Science at the University of Hyderabad. A distinguished child rights activist. She heads a famous NGO MV foundation, which works for children and education. She was formerly Chairperson, Child Labour Welfare Commission, Govt. of India.
Dr V.Rukmini RaoMemberSince April, 2023Renown Women's Activist. Consultant to several national and international development organisations; serves on the committees of several governmental and non-governmental development organisations. Served as Member Planning Commission for Gender and Development. She was also one of the steering committee members for CAPART, Govt. of India. She heads an organisation called Gramya, Women's Resource Centre. Also initiated and founded MAKAM network which works for women’s rights.
Ms H. SuryakalaMemberSince September, 2024Senior Sangham Karyakarta from Metlakunta Village Sangham and has more than 3 decades of experience in biodiverse farming. She is also a legal karyakarta who offers progressive counselling and conflict resolution in villages.

Ms Divya VeluguriExecutive Director1 YearExecutive Director at Deccan Development Society.
Mr A.Giridhar BabuJoint Director (Finance & Administration)29 YearsJoint Director (Finance & Administrator).
Ms T. ManjulaField Supervisor25 YearsSupervisor of 6 Village Sangams and filmmaker at DDS Community Media Trust
Mr B. BalaiahField Supervisor27 YearsPrincipal Coordinator at Pastapur Office and Supervisor of 6 Village Sangams
Mr M. Vinay KumarField Supervisor25 YearsSupervisor of 6 Village Sangams and Technical Resource Person (Agriculture and Livestock)
Ms K. Vijaya LakshmiField Supervisor24 YearsSupervisor of 6 Village Sangams
Ms B.ChukkammaField Supervisor8 YearsSupervisor of 6 Village Sangams and Legal Coordinator
Mr A. PrahladVillage Supervisor3 YearsSupervisor of 7 Village Sangams.
Mr S. Sampath KumarOrganic Vegetables Coordinator15 YearsCoordinates weekly supply of organic vegetables & sangam organics products to Hyderabad Consumers Group. Supervisor of 1 Village Sangam
Mr S. NarsimuluPermaculture Unit Manager21 YearsManager of Permaculture Demonstration Unit at Pastapur and Supervisor of 1 Village Sangam
Ms M. Narsamma (General)Radio Co-Manager24 YearsCo-Manager at Sangam Radio. Supervisor of 1 Village Sangam. Manager at Jaggery Production Unit.
Ms N. Narsamma (Algole)Radio Co-Manager24 YearsCo-Manager at Sangam Radio. Filmmaker at DDS Community Media Trust. Supervisor of 1 Village Sangam
Ms M. Narsamma (Chinna Narsamma)Media Coordinator30 YearsCoordinator and Filmmaker at DDS Community Media Trust
Mr M PrasadVisual Documentationist20 YearsPhotographer and Video Editor at DDS Community Media Trust
Ms Y.PoolammaHealth Coordinator29 YearsHealthcare Program Coordinator and Manager at Community Production Centre.
Ms N. KrishnaveniMINI Coordinator4 YearsCoordinator of Millet Network of India (MINI)
Ms R. Santhoshi SrilayaProgram Coordinator3 YearsProgram Coordinator of Field Projects at Project Office.
Ms ChandrammaHonorary Advisor40 YearsManager at Central Seed Bank, Machnoor and Technical Advisor (Agriculture)
Ms LakshmammaHonorary Advisor35 YearsManager at Central Seed Bank, Machnoor and Technical Advisor (Agriculture)
Ms AnasuyammaHonorary Advisor35 YearsTechnical Advisor (NRM) and Quality Inspector at Millet Complex
Mr M.GowrishankarAccounts Officer26 YearsSenior Accounts Officer at Liason Office
Mr G.VenkateshamAccounts Officer6 YearsAccounts Office at Project Office
Y. Mamatha RaniMillet Complex Manager9 YearsSupervisor at Millet Complex (Market Warehouse)
Mr Y. ManikyamMarket In-Charge1 YearIn-Charge of Sangam Organics market operations and logistics. Liason Officer at Project Office.
Mr N. RajuMillet Machine Handler10 YearsMillet Machines Handler at Millet Complex
Mr B.SrinuMobile Van Driver12 YearsMobile Van Driver
Mr K.RamuluSenior Office Assistant25 YearsSenior Office Assistant at Liason Office
Mr N.SureshDriver & Office Assistant14 YearsDriver and Office Assistant at Project Office
Mr N.SunilDriver & Office Assistant2 YearsDriver and Office Assistant at Project Office
Ms B.KomalammaOffice Assistant & Cook8 YearsOffice Assitant and Cook at Project Office
Mr BakkannaSecurity (Radio Station)25 YearsSecurity Manager at Pachasaale Campus, Machnoor

Mr C. Vara PrasadSenior Scientist & Head2 Years
Ms N. Sneha LathaSMS-Plant Protection3 Years
Ms V. RameshSMS-Agronomy2 Years
Ms G. ShailajaSMS-Horticulture2 Years
Ms M. HemalathaSMS-Home Science2 Years
Dr P. Sai PriyankaSMS - Agricultural Extension2 Years
Dr M.KailashSMS - Animal Husbandry2 Years
Mr E.SwamyProgramme Assistant (Soil Science)9 Years
Mr K.Sridhar ReddyOffice Supdt-cum-Accountant2 Years
Mr A Prabhakar ReddyComputer Programmer11 Years
Ms M. RojammaSteno9 Years
Mr B. SrikanthFarm Manager10 Years
Mr S. SrisailamTractor Driver28 Years
Mr B. Jagan Mohan ReddySupport Staff Group-I14 Years
Mr B. LaxmanSupport Staff Group-II6 Years
Mr BalarajuDriver14 Years